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February 2008

February 21, 2008


Dear Support Team,


Update since December 18

A lot has happened since December 18, 2007.  I spent a total of four weeks at the Meier Clinic in Richardson , Texas .  The time there was extremely beneficial for me in so many ways.  I left the Meier Clinic January 4th and it was great to be back home.  Since then I have gradually  been recovering to the point of going back to work.  They finally found a good medication for me which has helped a lot.  God has really grown us up during this time teaching us to be more sensitive to others ‘ needs and learning to lean on Him when the answers did not come immediately.  He has also given us a stronger base for just giving to others as we have been the recipients of some serious care from sweet friends like you guys.  Because we were so fiercely taken care of, it gives us more momentum to care for others.


Cesar in Reynosa

I just got back from a 5 day mission trip in Reynosa , Mexico this last Sunday.  I was there with a group of adults from Rockford , Illinois.  This group has been coming down to Mexico for about 7 years now. They worked with Pastor Basilio again this year. They built a house for a family with 8 kids, they had a medical clinic, a dental clinic along with evangelism and VBS.  This is a special group for us because I have worked with them for many years.  At the medical clinic one 11 year old girl gave her life to Jesus.  Many other people were touched as well.  The people at the medical clinic received vitamins and some medications, the orphanage received some blankets and the family that got the house also got a new tool box with new tools.


New Office

One special blessing that has recently happened is that I now have an office at our church here in Harlingen.  This is working out better for me so that I don’t have to compete with the kids and Jennifer as they are doing homeschool.  Our church here is such a great support system.   What a big blessing. I still have an office in Mexico, but this will help me to work more productively on the days I need to do office work in the Texas office. 


New and Improved Ministry

My job responsibilities are changing and getting even better.  I will still do set up work in Reynosa, but in Matamoros some of my responsibilities will include spending time on the projects, taking pictures, visiting the construction sites, translating at times, playing the guitar for Vacation Bible School, and updating the Matamoros blog.  In the past I have been on the projects a lot, I’ve also been spending more time getting all the logistics ready.  Now AIM wants me to be more on the projects doing all of the above, especially during the summer trips in Matamoros. 


Thank you.

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support during this period of time.  Please keep praying for my health and for our family as they support me.  My health is still a work in process that will take some time to complete.  Please also let us know how we can pray for you.  Being open with each other about our issues is hard, but fruitful.  Praying for each other is not a burden, but a blessing.  Please let us know where your needs are in your life.
























One comment

  1. I just wanted to know how are you doing? i am praying for you and your health to get better. i have been good myself and i walk this may at my school graduation and i will get my diploma in the fall of 2008.


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